September 30, 2019
Charles LutwidgeAccounting Equation Definition
The accounting equation is a fiscal formula used to calculate the relationship between various economic indicators within a business. This equation is usually presented in the form of a simple breakdown of values on a balance sheet. The accountancy formula...
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September 30, 2019
Charles LutwidgeWhat is Unearned Revenue in Accounting?
Revenue is an increase in an enterprise’s economic benefits over a specified reporting period. Revenue may come in the form of a revenue receipt (this is money received through regular business operations), asset sales, or a decrease in liabilities. Revenue...
September 09, 2019
Charles LutwidgeWhat is a Retained Earnings Statement
At the end of the year, at a general meeting of shareholders of the company or thefounders of the business, a decision is made on the distribution of the company’s netprofit. Part of the financial income that has not been...
September 09, 2019
Charles LutwidgeRetained Earnings Statement Example
The financial statements of companies are a kind of guideline for investors and an essential aspect of financing and the economy as a whole. After all, the financial condition of the largest national companies of any country is, first of...
September 09, 2019
Charles LutwidgeNegative Retained Earnings
One of the characteristics of a market economy is the competition between businesses, and the most important financial indicator for a business is profit. The forces that stimulate growth, along with other economic indicators, show the business entity’s efficiency. Further...
September 09, 2019
Charles LutwidgeIs Unearned Revenue a Current Liability or not?
Businesses are complex systems made up of many components that all need to work together to succeed. With no marketing, sales won’t be made, and without staff, a product won’t be developed, etc. Business relationships can be challenging to track...
September 09, 2019
Charles LutwidgeA Guide to Prepaid Expenses
To estimate the prospects of your business and properly manage it, you need a fast,and at the same time, a reliable way to calculate expenses and profits. To do so, youneed to account for all your costs, including prepaid expenses...
September 09, 2019
Charles LutwidgeThe Agent Background
Introduction The business world keeps evolving every working day. Market trends and income-generating opportunities keep coming, which allows brave entrepreneurs to start-up businesses. As a ripple effect, the demand for the taxation workforce arises as well. So during these business-minded...