January 08, 2020
Charles LutwidgeCash Disbursement Journal
Cash Disbursement Journal is a special journal used to record all payments of cash, also called Cash Payment Journal. This is a journal that we could use if we were to set up the accounting process by hand rather than...
Delegate your financial records to a highly qualified bookkeeper and forget about bookkeeping stress forever.
December 17, 2019
Charles LutwidgeQuickBooks Online Review
To ensure successful decisions and actions of companies in the dynamic market, it is necessary to quickly obtain information, including detailed financial data and indicators. As an entrepreneur, you most likely don’t really like doing bookkeeping or simply do not...
December 17, 2019
Charles LutwidgeWhat are the Different Types of Accounting
What is the meaning of accounting? The fundamental concept of accountancy is the gathering of the financial data of records, analyzing, and classifying the firm’s operations. A comparison of the current data with the previous year’s activity to find the...
December 17, 2019
Charles LutwidgePosting in Accounting
Businesses around the world make millions of payments every day. Every business that conducts business as a legal entity makes a large number of financial transactions that it has to keep under control. Therefore, the law requires all state and...
December 17, 2019
Charles LutwidgeSales Journal
Credit sales are very popular in the consumer market and quite common even in small businesses, often exceeding cash sales. This is because, with this method of trading, the buyer receives the goods immediately and pays for them for several...
December 05, 2019
Charles LutwidgeControl Accounts
Use of Control Accounts A control account summarizes a set of subsidiary accounts. Large businesses use it to minimize the summary postings in the general ledger. Instead, enterprises record all the transaction details in a separate subsidiary ledger. Such actions...
December 05, 2019
Charles LutwidgeContra Expense Account
Businesses need to know what contra accounts are to keep accurate accounting records. They also allow us to follow the matching principle. Expense accounts have a normal debit balance, which means they increase with debit entries. A contra account reduces...
December 03, 2019
Charles LutwidgeAccrual to Cash Conversion
Businesses manage their finances using either cash or accrual basis accounting. One of the most complicated concepts to understand in accounting is converting a set of accrual-based books for a cash basis tax return. Accrual accounting is the standard for...