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Charles Lutwidge


Charles Lutwidge is a writer with a passion for helping small businesses succeed. Having worked at multiple startups, Charles understands the unique challenges that entrepreneurs face. He writes about a wide range of topics, from management to bookkeeping to technology — all with a focus on helping business owners overcome key obstacles to growth.

Phone: 8889026657

August 31, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
Unrestricted Net Assets in Nonprofits

Unrestricted Net Assets in Nonprofits

Net Assets Defined Accounting in for profit business and nonprofit organization slightly differs. The experience in a for profit world does not always translate to the nonprofit world, where many don’t have as much experience.  One of the things that...

Reading Time 3 mins
5 / 5 (1 voted)
Never Worry About Your Bookkeeping Again
Never Worry About Your Bookkeeping Again

Delegate your financial records to a highly qualified bookkeeper and forget about bookkeeping stress forever.

August 31, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
Accounting for Lease Termination

Accounting for Lease Termination

Lease termination is when a lessee or lesser decide to break the lease agreement before the agreement is over. There can be several reasons for terminating the lease. For example, the tenant might terminate it because of the conditions of...

Reading Time 3 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

August 31, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
IOLTA Account Basics

IOLTA Account Basics

What is an IOLTA account? IOLTA is an acronym for Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts. It simply describes a type of trust account designed to keep client funds in trust. Holding client funds in trust is a requirement of the...

Reading Time 3 mins
5 / 5 (1 voted)

August 31, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
Fixed Assets – Explanation and Examples

Fixed Assets – Explanation and Examples

What are Fixed Assets? The classic definition of assets is that it is an economic resource, something of value. According to the definition of fixed assets, also referred to as Plant, Property, and Equipment (PP&E), these are tangible assets acquired...

Reading Time 3 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

August 31, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
Amortization Accounting for Intangible Assets

Amortization Accounting for Intangible Assets

What is Amortization? You might have come across this work in financial statements before, but what exactly does it mean? The definition of amortization is simple. Amortization is a cost allocation process to systematically allocate the cost of long-term intangible...

Reading Time 3 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

August 19, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
A Step-By-Step Guide to Starting Your Own Bookkeeping Business.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Starting Your Own Bookkeeping Business.

So you’ve been working as a bookkeeper or maybe a tax consultant or similar, but you are feeling the job getting to you. Maybe it’s the hours, or the management style of your superiors or even the outdated, cumbersome software...

Reading Time 7 mins
3.5 / 5 (2 voted)

July 24, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
Ignite Spot Review

Ignite Spot Review

Most large businesses have a fully staffed accounting department, including a CFO and staff accountants, to perform basic accounting functions. Unfortunately, the majority of businesses cannot the cost of a complete accounting team. Thus, they hire a CFO and overpay...

Reading Time 3 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

July 24, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
Amortization: Explanation and Examples

Amortization: Explanation and Examples

Amortization is a term that you will come across in the business and accounting world. Its definition can vary based on the context of its use. For instance, the amortization can mean paying off debt or a loan over a...

Reading Time 3 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)
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