November 08, 2021
Charles LutwidgeOpening Entry in Accounting
Keeping of accounting records begins with an Opening Entry. If you are embarking on a new venture, these entries capture everything with which you are starting your business. On the other hand, if you already own an established business and...
Delegate your financial records to a highly qualified bookkeeper and forget about bookkeeping stress forever.
November 06, 2021
Charles LutwidgeWhat Are Closing Entries in Accounting
Definition and Explanation Bookkeeping is a subject with many rules, principles, and regulations guiding every move of the business as a whole as well as the work of a bookkeeper. Closing entries are part of the bookkeeping basics, so it...
November 05, 2021
Charles LutwidgeWhat Is a Variable Cost
Overview Businesses need a plan not only to understand the goals and ways to achieve them but also to substantiate the profitability and the possibility of implementing investment projects. When doing project calculations, management is faced with the concept of...
November 04, 2021
Charles LutwidgeWhat are Intangible Assets
Overview The intellectual property of enterprises is becoming an increasingly expensive asset, the real value of which cannot always be reflected, even with the help of accounting. Unfortunately, inventions, trademarks, know-how belong to the type assets of the enterprise, which...
November 03, 2021
Charles LutwidgeWhat is an Expense
Overview There are various types of expenses in accounting that are associated with a company’s operating, financing, and other activities. Costs represent the cost of material, labor, financial, natural, informational, and other types of resources spent on the production and...
November 02, 2021
Charles LutwidgeSalvage Value Definition
Fixed assets depreciation When buying fixed assets for a business, their cost must be properly taken into account. Fixed assets are assets that are purchased not for subsequent sale with profit, but for conducting business. The main purpose of a...
November 01, 2021
Charles LutwidgeGAAP VS. IFRS: What are the key difference
Overview Currently, various financial reporting standards are used by businesses around the globe, including IFRS, US GAAP, CAS, etc. Despite a lot of efforts taken to eliminate the differences between GAAP vs. IFRS standards, the financial data prepared based on...
October 31, 2021
Charles LutwidgeAudit Risk Model
Overview Financial audit is a comprehensive check of the economic and financial condition of an organization, verification of the reliability of information in the financial statements of the organization, as well as analysis and assessment of the prospects for its...