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Charles Lutwidge


Charles Lutwidge is a writer with a passion for helping small businesses succeed. Having worked at multiple startups, Charles understands the unique challenges that entrepreneurs face. He writes about a wide range of topics, from management to bookkeeping to technology — all with a focus on helping business owners overcome key obstacles to growth.

Phone: 8889026657

January 17, 2022

Charles Lutwidge
Accounting in California

Accounting in California

Everyone has to pay taxes and follow bookkeeping rules. While individuals mainly focus on deducing their income, investment gains or losses, other profit, businesses have a more complex set of rules to follow. To track funds of corporations, businesses must...

Reading Time 4 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)
Never Worry About Your Bookkeeping Again
Never Worry About Your Bookkeeping Again

Delegate your financial records to a highly qualified bookkeeper and forget about bookkeeping stress forever.

January 14, 2022

Charles Lutwidge
How to Calculate Workers’ Compensation Cost Per Employee

How to Calculate Workers’ Compensation Cost Per Employee

Workers’ comp explained Before we start explaining how to find how much workers’ compensation you pay on a per employee basis, we first need to briefly go over what it is all about. It is a system that provides protection...

Reading Time 6 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

January 13, 2022

Charles Lutwidge
Accounting in Florida

Accounting in Florida

Owning a business is exciting and considered to be a dream come true for many people. But it’s also a huge responsibility. You have to pay salaries if you have employees, but most importantly, keep proper accounting. Accounting is required...

Reading Time 4 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

January 12, 2022

Charles Lutwidge
Estimated tax payments: How they work and when to pay them

Estimated tax payments: How they work and when to pay them

There are numerous tax types that one might come across, especially if one owns a business. With all the requirements and rules, many people are not sure what estimated tax payments are. Since these taxes are not going anywhere in...

Reading Time 6 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

January 11, 2022

Charles Lutwidge
What’s the Difference Between Purchase Order and Invoice

What’s the Difference Between Purchase Order and Invoice

When you start a business or even try some freelance work, there are many terms and concepts you would need to know. It is likely that you will come across two seemingly familiar terms: purchase order and invoice. To help...

Reading Time 5 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

January 10, 2022

Charles Lutwidge
The difference between the balance sheet and income statement

The difference between the balance sheet and income statement

Main accounting reports Bookkeeping and accounting are meant to fulfill various needs of the users of the information they generate. Therefore, it should contain data on the financial and economic activities, as well as on the current state of the...

Reading Time 5 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

January 06, 2022

Charles Lutwidge
What is a Disbursement

What is a Disbursement

Let’s start by defining the word disbursement. What does it mean? It is a process of giving out money or funds from some account. This word is generally used in finance and business and can be applied in at least...

Reading Time 4 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

January 05, 2022

Charles Lutwidge
Accounting in Memphis TN

Accounting in Memphis TN

Bookkeeping requires skills, experience, and even the knowledge of specific software used for accounting. Accounting requires a lot of responsibility, but it provides managers with insight into how the business is performing. Check out what are the peculiarities of bookkeeping...

Reading Time 4 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)
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Talk To A Bookkeeping Expert

A bookkeeping expert will contact you during business hours to discuss your needs.
