BooksTime  ➞  Charles Lutwidge

Charles Lutwidge


Charles Lutwidge is a writer with a passion for helping small businesses succeed. Having worked at multiple startups, Charles understands the unique challenges that entrepreneurs face. He writes about a wide range of topics, from management to bookkeeping to technology — all with a focus on helping business owners overcome key obstacles to growth.

Phone: 8889026657

February 07, 2023

Charles Lutwidge
What is a Freelance Accountant and how to hire one for your business

What is a Freelance Accountant and how to hire one for your business

Previously, corporate infrastructure was needed to perform accounting work. It included things like archive storage space for documents, expensive software, dedicated servers, etc. Business owners had to provide significant human resources for data entry, reporting, and journaling. With modern software,...

Reading Time 4 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)
Never Worry About Your Bookkeeping Again
Never Worry About Your Bookkeeping Again

Delegate your financial records to a highly qualified bookkeeper and forget about bookkeeping stress forever.

February 06, 2023

Charles Lutwidge
Bookkeeping services for CPAs

Bookkeeping services for CPAs

Even though bookkeeping isn’t as popular or fancy as other accounting jobs, it’s still essential. Such services are critical for accountants if they want to quickly and easily prepare documents for their clients. Thus, efficient accounting can’t occur without bookkeeping....

Reading Time 5 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

February 02, 2023

Charles Lutwidge
What defines a professional bookkeeper?

What defines a professional bookkeeper?

Many have heard about the importance of a bookkeeper. It’s an employee who keeps books, controls transactions, manages clients’ finances, and is often responsible for billing and invoicing. But what about a professional bookkeeper? Check out our article about the...

Reading Time 5 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

January 31, 2023

Charles Lutwidge
What are remote bookkeeping services and why they are useful for your business

What are remote bookkeeping services and why they are useful for your business

Most business owners take on too many responsibilities. In addition to managing the company, they also play the role of marketers, administrators, salespeople, and accountants. Firms always look for opportunities to reduce time spent on work, cut costs, and increase...

Reading Time 3 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

January 30, 2023

Charles Lutwidge
A guide on how to set up a new company in Quickbooks

A guide on how to set up a new company in Quickbooks

Are you looking for a professional bookkeeping software? Quickbooks is an accounting software created by Intuit that offers personal or business finance and tax payment solutions. It is available as desktop software for Windows in several versions. Users can also...

Reading Time 4 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

January 25, 2023

Charles Lutwidge
How to find a good accountant for small business

How to find a good accountant for small business

Small business accounting involves controlling, recording, and analyzing your company’s financial transactions. A detailed study of the numbers indicated in the financial statements allows you to conclude the business’s profitability. For business owners, bookkeeping can be the most tedious part...

Reading Time 6 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

January 24, 2023

Charles Lutwidge
How to find remote accounting jobs

How to find remote accounting jobs

Accountants, too, may find remote accounting jobs and open an opportunity to travel the world without being tied to one physical location. The part about traveling the world is, of course, optional, but you get such an opportunity if you...

Reading Time 5 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

January 18, 2023

Charles Lutwidge
Accounting and bookkeeping for small business: What do you need to know

Accounting and bookkeeping for small business: What do you need to know

Correct financial activity is vital for a small business if you want your company to be successful. Initially, you can play the role of an accountant, but as the firm develops, you may need more free time. Whether you plan...

Reading Time 6 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)
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Talk To A Bookkeeping Expert

A bookkeeping expert will contact you during business hours to discuss your needs.
