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April 10, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
What is Gross Profit?

What is Gross Profit?

Gross profit is the amount of revenue after you deduct the cost of goods. In other words, it is the difference between the Sales Revenue and Cost of Goods Sold. It is important to note that you do not subtract the...

Reading Time 3 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)
Never Worry About Your Bookkeeping Again
Never Worry About Your Bookkeeping Again

Delegate your financial records to a highly qualified bookkeeper and forget about bookkeeping stress forever.

April 10, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
What is Deferred Revenue?

What is Deferred Revenue?

Deferred revenue is revenue that a company received but has not yet been earned. It normally arises when not all the risks and rewards of the sale have been transferred to a customer. Therefore, we classify deferred revenue as a...

Reading Time 2 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

April 10, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
1-800Accountant Review

1-800Accountant Review

When you started your business, did you imagine you’d be spending so much time slaving over your financials? You are not alone. There are many services that exist just to make these tasks simpler and less time-consuming for small businesses....

Reading Time 3 mins
3.5 / 5 (10 voted)

April 10, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
Bench Accounting Review

Bench Accounting Review

Your time as an entrepreneur or a business owner is very valuable. Every single minute of your day, you need to be doing something that adds value back into your company. Doing your books yourself, even if you have “easy”...

Reading Time 4 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

April 03, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
Review of Botkeeper

Review of Botkeeper

Learn How Bookstime Is Different Do you hate bookkeeping or simply want to save your time and money? We all know that bookkeeping takes a lot of work and requires a lot of time to manage bookkeepers, who inevitably make...

Reading Time 5 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

April 03, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
Review of inDinero

Review of inDinero

Learn How Bookstime Is Different Before you start using inDinero, you might want to pay close attention to inDinero reviews such as this one because this solution will directly affect the two things you can’t afford to compromise in your business-...

Reading Time 4 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

April 03, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
Indirect Cost: Definition and Calcalation

Indirect Cost: Definition and Calcalation

The concept of indirect costs is international. Indirect costs are understood as costs that are impossible or economically impractical to attribute directly to the cost of a particular type of product, activity, service, grant, project, or contract. These are all...

Reading Time 3 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)

April 03, 2020

Charles Lutwidge
What is petty cash, and why is it important for small businesses?

What is petty cash, and why is it important for small businesses?

Petty cash is defined as a relatively small amount of bills kept to pay for infrequent, minor expenses that must be paid in cash. Usually, the petty cash is used for items such as food for meetings, shipping, to make...

Reading Time 3 mins
0 / 5 (0 voted)
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