October 30, 2020
Charles LutwidgeSingle-Step vs Multi-Step Income Statement
The main indicators of modern accounting reports on financial results of an organization are income, expenses, results by type of activity, and the final financial result for the reporting period in the form of profit (loss). Profit is the source...
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October 30, 2020
Charles LutwidgeInventory Turnover Ratio
Inventory is often the largest portion of working capital. Inventories are those things the business holds in order to enable it to produce as well as to trade. If the inventory is not used up by business operations at a...
October 30, 2020
Charles LutwidgeBusiness Credit Card
A business has different needs, and a business credit card can help meet many of these needs. By the way, we are talking not only about large companies but also about small and medium-sized businesses. What is a business credit...
October 30, 2020
Charles LutwidgeNotes to Financial Statements
Definition Financial statements are an overview of the results of the company’s work for the whole year. Therefore, the company should pay close attention to the presentation of these results to users of reports. Despite the fact that preparing financial...
October 15, 2020
Charles LutwidgeOverview of Reversing Entries
Definition A reversing entry is simply an entry that reverses the month-end adjusting entry from the period before. In other words, you just flip the debits and credits you made before to set up an accrual and post an entry...
October 15, 2020
Charles LutwidgeBasic Accounting Principles
Accounting is a system of continuous and interconnected observation and control over the economic activities of an entity. Afterall, it is impossible to plan the further work of the enterprise without controlling processes. How successful an organization is depends largely...
October 15, 2020
Charles LutwidgeIntroduction to T-Accounts
Every enterprise needs an accounting system that would be able to continuously monitor changes in assets, capital, and liabilities status. Also, this system should provide the ability to draw up a Balance Sheet and other reports at the right time....
October 09, 2020
Charles LutwidgeEarly Payment Discounts
Definition The main task of early payment discounts is to reduce the maturity of accounts receivable and accelerate the turnover of the company’s working capital. Therefore, this commercial instrument can be attributed to a greater extent to the field of...