November 03, 2020
Charles LutwidgeAllowance for Doubtful Accounts
Regardless of how perfect and effective the solvency control system is, the company will find buyers who have not paid in time for goods and services sold on credit. Invoices that are not paid by the buyers within the due...
Delegate your financial records to a highly qualified bookkeeper and forget about bookkeeping stress forever.
November 03, 2020
Charles LutwidgeAging of Accounts Receivable – Definition and Examples
In the process of financial and economic activities, the enterprise has a need to settle accounts with its counterparties. When shipping products, performing work, or providing services, an enterprise, as a rule, does not receive money in payment immediately (sale...
November 03, 2020
Charles LutwidgeHow to Record Credit Sales
Today, retail and wholesale trade actively uses various schemes to attract customers: providing various types of discounts, selling goods on credit, etc. Many sellers offer customers to purchase goods on credit. The buyer pays only a fraction of the cost...
November 02, 2020
Charles LutwidgeBad Debts Expense – Explanation and Accounting
Definition In modern times, many goods and services are sold to customers on a credit basis. This means that goods or services are provided to the customer now and then paid by the buyer at a future date. The customer...
November 02, 2020
Charles LutwidgePreparing a Bank Reconciliation
Any business activity requires control over expenses, income received, and net profit. It is impossible to plan further work of the enterprise without controlling processes. For constant control, there is a special system called accounting. Accounting in an enterprise is...
November 02, 2020
Charles LutwidgeVertical and Horizontal Analysis: What’s the Difference?
Horizontal and vertical analysis of the accounting documents and reports of the enterprise is an effective tool for researching the state of the enterprise and the effectiveness of its activities. Recommendations made on the basis of this analysis are constructive...
November 02, 2020
Charles LutwidgeFinancial Ratio Analysis
Financial Analysis: What is it? Analysis of financial ratios is an integral part of financial analysis, which is an extensive area of research and includes the following main areas: analysis of financial statements (including analysis of ratios), the formation of...
November 02, 2020
Charles LutwidgeCash Dividends and Stock Dividends
One of the income sources that investors rely on when buying shares on the stock market, in addition to the growth in the market value of the stocks, is dividends. A stock is, in essence, part of an operating business...