July 12, 2022
Charles LutwidgeWhat Is a Voided Check and When to Use One
Writing paper checks used to be popular a few decades ago. Today, most people prefer managing their finances online. Moreover, it’s much easier to use electronic checks instead of paper ones. The statistics show that around 55% of US citizens...
Delegate your financial records to a highly qualified bookkeeper and forget about bookkeeping stress forever.
July 08, 2022
Charles LutwidgeTotal Equity Formula
Equity in a financial world is a crucial concept and often has different meanings depending on the context. The most common type is related to shareholders’ equity. It is calculated by using the business’s total assets value and subtracting its...
July 06, 2022
Charles LutwidgeWhat is Reorder Point
Maintaining the inventory is not as easy as one would think. A company must have enough items to supply customers, plus more items in case of unexpected increased demand. But buying too many items beforehand is not an option since...
July 04, 2022
Charles LutwidgeBookkeeping and Accounting Tips for Small Business
If you need to improve your business strategy, take a look at your bookkeeping method. Proper bookkeeping enables small businesses to plan their budgets, file taxes, reduce taxable income by claiming deductions, etc. Bookkeeping has a myriad of benefits, so...
July 01, 2022
Charles LutwidgeDebt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) Meaning
The debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) is a critical term for small business owners and individuals. DSCR indicates the ability of a company, business, or government to repay its debts. However, the ratio is more commonly used in the business...
June 30, 2022
Charles LutwidgeWhat is Accountancy: The Basics and Explanation
You may have come across two different concepts, such as accountancy and accounting. Is it the same term? Or these two concepts have different definitions. Check out the article to find out. Understanding Accountancy Accountancy is a process of managing...
June 29, 2022
Charles LutwidgeBiweekly vs Semimonthly Payroll
Choosing a payroll schedule may be confusing. Every system has benefits and flaws, which doesn’t make it easier to make up one’s mind. Keep reading the article to learn about two payroll schedules: biweekly and semimonthly payrolls. Hopefully, the article...
June 23, 2022
Charles LutwidgeNoncumulative Preferred Stock Definition
Investors know that buying a company’s stock leads to getting dividends. Moreover, buying the stock of a promising company can lead to an increase in the stock price in the future. As a result, the investor may get a good...