Let’s try to see how this works using data from a sample Balance sheet. The Wood Works LLC has the following items on its financial report.
The first value we would need is all our current assets, so let’s add them up. We would add all the assets provided in the list except for one. The fixed assets amount is not going to be included. So, our total comes out to be $59,000. The same goes for the liabilities, but in this case, we are going to skip loans because these will not be paid any time soon. After doing a little math, we got $22,800 for the liabilities. Now, all we have to do is divide $59,000 by $22,800. What do we get?
We have a ratio of 2.59. It looks like Wood Works LLC is doing great based on this particular financial indicator. It is likely that the creditors will be willing to provide more loans to this company and investors might look into this company as a potential investment object.
If this ratio, though, was slightly higher, we would need to evaluate its reports a bit deeper and see if the company is using the assets it has effectively instead of letting the money sit around without bringing many benefits to the interested parties. A comparison of this value with standards in the industry and values for previous accounting periods will definitely give us a better picture of what is truly happening inside this business and whether the management and shareholders are making the right decisions.
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